By Primoz

Goya Custom Thruster 2018

Surfwave Thruster

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Our new dedicated Thruster wave board shapes finally unite the spice of our Custom Quads with the added thrust and full turns that a thruster fin setups are known for. These new shapes increase speed and forward drive as you turn either at the top or bottom of the wave, opening more doors to your sailing. With the fine adjustments of the bottom shape, outline and faster rockers, the Custom Thrusters maximize the feel and ride in side-shore or on-shore conditions for all riders.

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By Primoz

Goya Custom Quad 2018

Surfwave Quad

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If you would like to know what Brawzinho and the feedback from our customers around the world have added after the last couple of years then you might want to give these boards a try. Bringing the future into their present, everything has been redesigned and compacted into these progressive shapes, with our forefront principle being “how to make wavesailing even more fun”.

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